The latest cancer news and updates from around the world.
Jessica Hale, Donna J. Barry, Billy Andre and Brian Hutchinson Intro As the global fight against infectious diseases, such as HIV/AIDS, malaria, and tuberculosis, improves the growing burden of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is becoming more apparent. This category of diseases, w...
The Cancer Run organized is organized annually in August by the Rotary Club of Uganda. The goal is to fundraise for improvement of cancer care in Uganda. The purpose of the 2017 edition of the run was to raise funds to build a bunker for the Linear Accelerator machine that was acquired last year,...
In an exciting move, Pfizer and Cipla have agreed to charge minimal costs for 16 common chemotherapy drugs in Ethiopia, Nigeria, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and Tanzania. Prices are estimated to be just above their manufacturing costs ensuring affordable treatment to tens of thousands. In addition to r...
In a deal similar to the one that turned the tide against AIDS, manufacturers and charities will make chemotherapy drugs available in six poor countries at steep discounts. By DONALD G. McNEIL Jr. Continue Reading...
A total of 1,957 new cancer patients were received and attended to at the Uganda Cancer Institute last year, according to the Ministerial Policy statement for the Financial Year 2017/2018 prepared by the Health minister, Dr Jane Aceng. The new cancer cases were registered out of 2,684 individu...
Government is set to construct a multi-million Euro Cancer center in Mbarara district, to reduce the burden from the national Cancer Institute at Mulago hospital.
The new radiotherapy machine for the Uganda Cancer Institute at Mulago will be operational by July, according to a new timeline set by government.
ORCI is the only specialist cancer treatment centre in the country, and larger than any similar facilities in Kenya and Uganda. It sees nearly 4,000 new patients every year and is desperately trying to cope with the influx of patients in need of treatment, mostly chemotherapy or radiotherapy. It ...
In April of 2016, the only radiotherapy of its kind in Uganda broke down. This left the entire country without domestic access to radiotherapy treatment needed to combat cancer. The only option available was to travel to neighboring Kenya, which was not only far-- but prohibitively expensive for ...
" The initiation and development of the Lymphoma Treatment Centre (LTC) was a result of cooperation nd hard work of many individuals at the makerere university medical school, MOH and the National cancer institute (NCI) in the USA. The inception of the idea started in 1965 during a meeting ...
The GO Map is a free tool that helps users initiate partnerships, promote their work and develop collaborations in cancer control.